
I have a strange dent in one of my front's small, but noticeable. I pointed it out to my dentist and he asked if I used a hard bristle brush, which I don't. Otherwise he didn't seem too concerned about it, which I find odd. Since this is a front tooth I'm particularly concerned about it. Can you help?


Your dentist is probably right. "Dents" or missing enamel around the gumline can be caused by different things. Please visit my website to read about abrasion, erosion and abfraction as these are all phenonenoms that can contribute to this. Your dentist wasn't concerned because it is a very common finding and unless you are having symptoms (cold, touch, sweet sensitivity), he probably treatment was not necessary.


What he was eluding to is that if you brush too hard or use a hard bristle brush, you can physically wear away the enamel off the tooth down by the gumline. I call this "toothbrush abrasion" and I see it on 4 out of every 5 patients. Brushing too hard can setup these areas for sensitivity and increased the chances of cavities.


Talk with your dentist as they might be able to put a filling on the area to make the surface smoother and prevent sensitivity!



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