
Question: What are the Options for a Lower Denture that is loose or does not fit adequately?


Answer: Lower dentures have been and will continue to be difficult for patients who desire to eat the foods they used to enjoy. Patients with lower dentures are always fearful that their denture may dislodge while talking, speaking, laughing, etc. Lower dentures are much harder to fit and remain stable due to the lack of tissue that supports (or helps retain) the denture. Unlike an upper denture, the amount of tissue needed to support a denture is much less on a lower denture.


The typical results are a lower denture that has large amounts of denture cream/adhesive to hold it in. The other is just the patient simply does not wear it and struggles to eat without the denture.


Loose dentures, specifically lower dentures, have become a pastime. Now with mini implant dentures, you can enjoy secure eating comfort again. You can smile again and no longer about a loose fitting denture coming out when you talk to your friends or laugh watching a funny movie. In one short procedure (typically less than 1 hour), you can have a stable denture with no surgical sutures, mimimal bleeding, minimal discomfort and the typical months of healing that is needed with implant surgery.


Ask about mini implant dentures so you no longer have to worry about yours!

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