


Frequently, I have patients inquire about oral vs IV sedation with regard to what is safer, what is more pain free and what works best. Patients have even asked if its possible for a patient to receive both for a procedure. In my practice, oral sedation is almost ALWAYS used in addition to IV sedation for the following reasons:


1. Oral sedation the night before provides a better night of sleep for the patient so that they are well rested and not as irritable from lack of

     sleep(due to "thinking about it all night").


2. Oral sedation provides adequate anxiolysis(i.e. nerve control) for the fearful person who has difficulty with needles or IVs being started

    for the actual sedation procedure.


3. The sedation process has already had an opportunity to relax the patient so that I can gauge how they will respond to the IV sedation

     so less time is needed to get the patient into a comfortable state.


4.  The oral sedation further heights the possibility of amnesia postoperatively meaning they are even less likely to recall any of the

     procedure which is greatly beneficial to someone who desires no recollection of being at the dentist.


I personally feel IV sedation is a much safer, more predictable option but I do feel oral sedation is a good option but greatly depends on multiple variables. I typically use both for patient comfort reasons as well making sure all work will be completed without hesitation. Talk to me about how IV and/oral sedation can benefit your dental treatment!!!        Dr.G


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Oral Sedation Prior to IV Sedation- Can I Have Both?