
Question: Dr.Glasmeier,


If there is no plaque, what are the chances of getting only gum diseases. Also, how does floride toothpastes help,if any, to avoid gum swelling or minor gum problems like gum bleeding?


Answer: Great question! That is complicated question because plaque is only

factor that can contribute to gum disease. There are many other things that can contribute to gum disease such as:


1. Poorly fitting dental restorations

2. Medical History (Smoking, diabetes, autoimmune diseases)

3. Genetics

4. Grinding and clenching teeth, etc.


These are only a few of factors that can promote gum disease. The big misconception is that your hygiene is the only thing that determines gum disease and this is simply not true! Regarding fluoride toothpaste and its effects on gums--the fluoride is more geared for preventing cavities and minimizing thermal sensitivity that can develop on the teeth. The abrasive additives in the toothpaste in combination with brushing is what helps reduce plaque/tartar from forming on the teeth than can setup problems with gum disease. So to answer your question, the fluoride is more for the teeth than the gums. There are prescription mouthrinses that made to help prevent and/or control gum disease but most of them are prescription.


Hope this helps!


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