
True or False?

    Good oral hygiene prevents cavities. TRUE. (Of course.) As simple as this is, regular brushing and flossing is the best way you can prevent cavities. Brushing and flossing after every meal for 2-3 minutes will help prevent cavities by removing food particles that normally create an environment for bacteria in your mouth to cause cavities.

    HOWEVER, while good hygiene does help prevent cavities, the fact is that some people are more susceptible to cavities(and gum disease) in spite of the person's best efforts. There are genetic factors, medical history factors and prescription factors that will contribute to having problems.

True or False?

      If your tooth is chipped tooth, it is likely because there is tooth decay present. True and False. While tooth decay(cavities) are the most common reason for a chipped tooth, there are many other ways a tooth can chip or crack.
     A tooth is more susceptible to fracture regardless of decay if: large filling already present, parafunctional habits exist, patient is a grinder, tooth has been fixed multiple times, and malalignment of the teeth. Tooth decay will either exacerbate a preexisting condition or can alone cause fracture of a tooth.

 True or False?

     If a tooth is chipped but there is no cavity, then I should not be concerned. Depends. Assuming your hygiene is good, you do not grind your teeth and you are getting regular checkups, your risk for problems is decreased. The biggest concern is that bacteria can flourish around fractured areas if they are not kept clean and cause bigger problems.
 True or False?

     A filling should last forever and never need replacement. False. Most fillings at some point require replacement or maintenance to prevent further problems. Good hygiene can certainly offset the need for replacing a filling but much like everything else in life, fillings will likely need to be replacement for reasons such as new decay, leakage, chipping due to grinding forces.

 True or False?

     All silver filling should be replaced with tooth colored fillings. Absolutely false. If you know the expression "If its not broke, don't fix it", then you know my practice philosophy. Replacing a filling that has no issues can potentially create new issues. So when would we replace a filling? When tooth decay is present, filling is leaking, filling is chipped and/or patient is having symptoms.

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