Managing a Proper Weight

Your general practitioner can help you on your weight loss or weight management journey.

Whether you are looking to lose weight or maintain an ideal body weight, a general doctor can be a helpful tool to utilize to help you reach your goals. Not only will a primary doctor be able to provide you with the proper screenings, tools and bloodwork to provide a baseline health status, but they can also make sure that your chosen activity or workout will be safe for you. They can monitor your progress, provide healthy eating and lifestyle tips, and keep you motivated. Here are some helpful tips to get you started,

Establish an Exercise Routine

Losing weight and maintaining results is easier when you get regular physical activity and burn calories. It’s much easier for active individuals to maintain a healthy weight than those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Set attainable exercise goals and share them with your doctor. Start at just 200-300 minutes of aerobic activity (yes, even gardening or a walk around the neighborhood is excellent!) a week and work your way up.

Find physical activities you enjoy, which will make it easier to stick to. A workout buddy may be a great way to motivate you and hold you accountable for daily activity.

Eat a Whole, Unprocessed Diet

What does your diet currently consist of? How often do you get fast food, eat out or consume frozen or packaged meals? While these can be a nice treat now and then, most Americans’ diets are full of processed, junk food. Aim to create healthier eating habits, opting for whole foods such as fruits and vegetables, lean and high-quality meat sources, whole grains, healthy fats, nuts and seeds. Again, your doctor can be instrumental in providing tips on how to improve your current diet.

Make Sure You Stay Hydrated

Most Americans are dehydrated. Could you be one of them? Your hunger cues could actually be your brain’s way of telling you that you’re thirsty. That’s why it’s essential that you are drinking enough water every day. If you eat and still feel hungry, allow your body about 15-20 minutes to digest and drink a glass of water instead to see if it’s true hunger or actual thirst.

Focus on Portions and Mindfulness

Instead of waiting until you are starving and then overeating at dinner or your next meal, try to ensure that you never get to this ravenous state by eating smaller and perhaps more frequent meals throughout the day. Make mealtimes a mindful activity where you focus on eating and not mindlessly snacking or eating while watching TV (which can lead to overeating). By eating slowly and mindfully, you’ll also be able to feel when your body’s telling you it’s full.


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