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(713) 777-2555

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Houston Digestive Diseases Consultants can help handle various conditions to improve your overall health and minimize complications. For example, they can help with colon polyps in Houston, TX, and work to keep your body clear of these growths. In addition, understanding the nature of a polyp and when they're concerning can help you decide when to treat this problem.

What is a Polyp?

A colon polyp is the growth of several cells that may develop along with the interior of the digestive tract. People over the age of 50 develop a polyp more readily than younger adults, though anyone can develop them at any time. People who are overweight or who smoke may also be at a higher risk.

Other individuals who may be at risk of a polyp include those with a family history of colon cancer. Polyp development is particularly concerning when someone in your family has had cancer, though in general, a polyp is not a severe issue for most people.

Are They Dangerous?

Most polyps in Houston, TX, are not concerning, and most people can tolerate them without developing any symptoms. In fact, many individuals with these growths don't even know they have them until they get their first colon screen. At that point, they can decide whether to remove them.

However, some people with these growths may experience bloody stools, sudden changes in bowel habits, rectal bleeding, hemorrhoids, tears in the anal tissue, and pain when passing bowel movements. Some might even develop anemia if the polyp bleeds and causes extended blood loss.

Should You See a Doctor?

Only visit a doctor for polyp inspection and removal if it is causing unnecessary, difficult pain. For example, if you develop severe abdominal pain, regular blood in your stool, or bowel changes that last for more than a week, there's likely something more serious at play here.

For example, these more severe symptoms could be an indication of colon cancer. They don't automatically mean that you have this disease, naturally, so don't become panicked just yet. However, it is worth getting screened if you're concerned about this situation.

Find Help Today

At Houston Digestive Diseases Consultants, you can get surgery for colon polyps in Houston, TX, to make sure your intestines and colon stay healthy. We'll make sure that you feel comfortable during this process and provide caring attention. Call us at 713-777-2555 to learn more about the different ways that we can help you. We look forward to working with you.

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What Does It Mean To Have Colon Polyps?