Memorial Hermann Greater Heights


Memorial Hermann Southwest

(713) 777-2555

Smith Tower


Has someone referred you to a gastroenterologist in Houston, TX, but you are wondering what to ask? That is understandable. The right questions make it easy for you to understand how the doctor can help. It also allows you to express your needs with ease. Here is a list of questions you can ask your gastroenterologist at Houston Digestive Diseases Consultants at your next appointment.

What Conditions Can a GI Doctor (Gastroenterologist) Treat?

A GI doctor is qualified to diagnose and treat any conditions occurring in your gastrointestinal system. This covers health issues with your liver, stomach, esophagus, gallbladder, intestines, and pancreas. For instance, your GI doctor can treat hepatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, and stomach cancer. Most people do not have an idea of everything that a GI doctor can treat. Asking this question gives you a clear picture of how our doctors can help you.

What Is Causing My Condition?

Depending on your diagnosis, your doctor will let you know what is causing your condition. For instance, fatty liver is caused by an excess build-up of fat in the liver cells. People who develop this condition may also have other conditions like diabetes and obesity. Understanding what is causing your condition can help you if you need to make lifestyle changes.

Is This Condition Hereditary?

Ask your gastroenterologist in Houston, TX, if your condition is hereditary. A gastrointestinal condition like ulcerative colitis is hereditary. It has been found that inherited genes contribute to the development of this condition. Knowing if you have a hereditary condition allows you to take preventive measures, especially if you have kids.

Will You Be Performing Any Endoscopic or Invasive Tests?

For your doctor to diagnose your condition, they will need to perform certain tests like colonoscopy, endoscopic ultrasound, or liver biopsy. Most of these tests are minimally invasive. Ask about these tests because you will want to know which procedures you will undergo.

Should I Change My Diet?

Diet and medication can lead to certain gastrointestinal conditions. For example, eosinophilic esophagitis may be caused by certain diets like eggs, wheat, nuts, shellfish, and milk. Your physician would suggest you eliminate these meals from your diet. You may also be asked to avoid aspirin and take different medication.

How Will You Be Treating My Condition?

This is also another important question to ask your Gastroenterologist in Houston, TX. A change of diet and medication might not be enough to treat your patient. So you may have to undergo other treatments, like a weight management program. Either way, ask this question to know what your treatment journey will look like.

If there are questions you would want to ask your gastroenterologist, give us a call today. Our physicians at Houston Digestive Diseases Consultants will answer all your questions to put you at ease. Call the Memorial Hermann Southwest location by calling (713) 777-2555, or in Smith Tower at (713) 796-8627, or in the Memorial Hermann Greater Heights location by calling (713) 880-8707.

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What to Ask Your Gastroenterologist