
Fillings Help Restore Decayed Teeth

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Fillings Help Restore Decayed Teeth

The facts about dental fillings

If you have a tooth that is decayed, there is a good chance your tooth can be restored with a dental filling. Dental fillings can give back fillingsyour full set of teeth, restoring teeth broken by trauma, worn down by age or decayed from poor hygiene and too much sugar. Dr. Phillip S. Tully III in Columbus, GA wants you to know all the facts about dental fillings and what they can do to restore your smile.

Dr. Tully first has to remove the damaged or decayed area of your tooth, making sure you only have healthy tooth structure remaining. Then Dr. Tully will discuss the different materials and choices for your filling. Together, you can determine the best choice for your needs and budget. Consider:

Metal (amalgam) fillings, if you want the strongest and most durable filling material; metal fillings are a good choice for back teeth where biting forces are the strongest.

Gold fillings, if you want a strong filling and you like the beautiful color of gold; these fillings are custom-made in a dental laboratory and require more than one appointment.

Composite or tooth-colored fillings, if you want a filling that is virtually indistinguishable from your existing teeth. Your Columbus dentist can match the color of composite perfectly so people will notice your smile, and not your fillings.

Porcelain fillings, if you want a cosmetically beautiful, strong filling. This type of filling is created in a dental laboratory, and so it requires more than one appointment to complete.

Glass ionomer fillings, if you need a filling along the gumline; these fillings are also tooth-colored and can be matched very well with your existing teeth.

A dental filling placed by Dr. Tully can provide you with years of protection, restoring both full chewing function and creating a beautiful addition to your smile. If you have teeth that are damaged or decayed, don’t wait! Restore your teeth with a dental filling before the damage or decay gets worse. Call Dr. Tully in Columbus, GA today and get back your smile!

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