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Show Off Your Best Smile

Wear and tear, oral injury and staining can change the appearance of your smile, much to the detriment of your self-confidence. At SC Dental Group in Sherman Oaks, CA, Dr. Michael Amir and Dr. Larry Hamer frequently recommend porcelain veneers for these and other cosmetic problems. Individually crafted from natural-looking dental porcelain, ultra-thin veneers just may be the boost your smile needs.

What is a porcelain veneer?

Dentists also call veneers dental laminates. Similar to the hardwood laminates furniture craftsmen use, porcelain veneers are extremely thin, high-quality pieces of ceramic bonded directly over healthy, but flawed, tooth surfaces. Made in the dental lab according to X-ray imaging, photos, your dentist's instructions and your preferences, veneers dramatically improve the shape, size, and color of selected teeth.

Good health is key to veneer placement. If a tooth has suffered extensive damage from injury, decay, or abscess, a dental crown, covering the entire tooth above the gum line, would be the appropriate restoration. Veneers disguise only the front side of teeth, creating a dramatically beautiful, but realistic, appearance without significant alteration to tooth enamel.

The veneer process

After you and your dentist agree upon your treatment plan, he removes a thin portion of enamel (about 1/2 mm) from the front side of each tooth. This reduction allows the veneers to fit comfortably inside your mouth and to bite correctly with the opposite arch of teeth. The doctor also takes oral impressions which help the lab technician create a three-dimensional model of your mouth.

From there, the technician sculpts each veneer with proper shape, size, and shading. When you return to SC Dental Group in Sherman Oaks for veneer placement, Dr. Amir or Dr. Hamer will bond your veneers in place with a special resin cement which can be varied in shade to achieve the most natural appearance.

Your new smile

While dental ceramic can be brittle, the resin cement used by your dentist adds amazing strength and durability to each veneer. If you treat them gently (don't chew ice, for instance), your veneers should last more than a decade, says the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry.

Regarding at-home care, brush twice a day with a soft toothbrush and mildly abrasive toothpaste. Floss daily, too, to remove plaque and avoid tartar build-up. Come to SC Dental Group twice a year for your check-ups and cleanings, and your dentist will assess the condition of your porcelain veneers, too.

Enjoy smiling again

You can with porcelain veneers from SC Dental Group in Sherman Oaks, CA. To set up a cosmetic dentistry consultation with Dr. Amir or Dr. Hamer, call the office team at (818) 905-5400. Look forward to your best possible smile!

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