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Understanding the Link Between Ankle Pain and Other Health Conditions

Big Sky Foot and Ankle Institute with Dr. Nathan Judd can help you manage foot-related health problems and keep you feeling strong. For example, we can diagnose ankle pain in Bozeman, MT, and determine what’s causing yours. By quickly and accurately diagnosing your problem, our specialists can ensure you bounce back and feel healthy for years to come.

Achilles Tendinitis: Very Impactful on the Ankle

Achilles tendonitis is a condition caused by overusing the Achilles tendon. Repetitive or intense strain on this tendon can cause pain in the ankle. It most commonly affects runners and middle-aged athletes, though it could impact just about anybody with foot pain.

Arthritis: Common and Hard to Predict 

Many people with ankle pain likely have arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis. This painful condition can cause swelling and other issues in the ankle, making it very painful and inflamed. Treatment can help reduce symptoms, but it rarely takes care of everything.

Gout: Another Painful Reaction 

Gout is a buildup of uric acid in the body (mainly the feet) that can cause excessive joint pain. People who experience gout in the ankle may struggle to walk; the pain is intense. Thankfully, our Big Sky Foot and Ankle Institute team with Dr. Judd can treat this problem. 

Sprains: Typical For Athletes and Kids 

Many types of ankle pain occur due to sprains or strains caused by overuse. Managing this type of ankle pain in Bozeman, MT, requires stabilizing the foot and keeping weight off it. It also requires avoiding unnecessarily difficult exercises that could worsen your pain intensity.

Fractures: Breaks In Your Foot's Ankle Bones 

Ankle fractures are breaks (either partial or complete) in one or more ankle bones that can cause severe pain. Swelling, bruising, and difficulty walking are all common symptoms. While they have symptoms similar to sprains, they’re more severe and require different treatments.

Vessel and Joint Issues: Small But Often Problematic

In some cases, blocked blood vessels and infections in the foot can cause pain throughout your ankle. Although these problems often start small, they can worsen and become more intense with time, and they require actual hands-on therapies to be managed appropriately.

Here to Manage Your Pain 

With Big Sky Foot, Ankle Institute, and Dr. Judd, you can take care of any ankle pain in Bozeman, MT, that impacts you. We’ll help you better understand what affects your feet and will work hard to ensure you’re healthy and happy. Call our crew at (406) 782-2278 to schedule an appointment, and we’ll discuss how we can help you recover.