When To Seek Help From a Child Psychiatrist: Signs and Symptoms

While every child has their share of moments, sometimes those issues and moments are more than just a temporary problem. Or, they could signify that there's an underlying trigger that's causing the issue and make a call to Community Psychiatric Centers, serving Pittsburgh, PA, and the nearby region, to schedule a visit with a child psychiatrist, like Dr. John Carosso or Dr. Robert Lowenstein. So, when should you be concerned?

Losing Interest in Activities or Friends

If your child is typically the type who is always surrounded by friends and involved in several activities, watch for changes in this enthusiasm. Talk to your kid and see what's going on. When you can't get a definitive answer, consider scheduling a visit with a child psychiatrist in Pittsburgh, PA.

Excessive, Frequent Temper Tantrums Without an Explanation

Particularly for smaller children, temper tantrums are normal. They're part of your child expressing their emotions when they don't know how to control them. As they grow and learn, this habit stops.

However, if your child has frequent temper tantrums or ones that are excessive, such as ones lasting a long length of time or that are violent or destructive, a psychiatrist can get to the root of the problem.

Sleep Issues 

Every child is different, especially when it comes to sleep. However, if your child, who was already sleeping through the night, starts waking up frequently, is having night terrors, can't sleep, or is sleeping way more than normal, having a professional assess the problem can help.

Decline in School Performance

While it's always important to speak to your child if they're having trouble in school if your child isn't complaining school is too hard and has no problems with another student, it may be time to look into other potential causes by bringing your child in for a visit.

Rebellion That's Continuous

Children of varying ages want to be in control and grow up, causing them to reject authority and rebel. If you've tried to contend with the problem in several ways, it might be time to reach out for professional help.

Destructive Behaviors

Contending with destructive behaviors, especially for prolonged periods, can mean an underlying problem. If you've already tried administering appropriate consequences and talking to your child, it might be time to reach out for outside help.

Dr. Carosso and Dr. Lowenstein of Community Psychiatric Centers, serving Pittsburgh, PA, and the nearby region, offer care, especially for children, and can get to the root of any problems. A psychiatrist here can use non-medicated approaches in many cases and can prescribe medication in more serious cases.

Contact us today for an appointment.

  • Pittsburgh, PA, at (412) 241-5437
  • Monroeville, PA, at (412) 372-8000
  • Greensburg, PA, at (724) 850-7200
  • Monessen, PA, at (724) 850-7200
  • North Hills/McCandless, PA, at (412) 372-8000