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Kenneth K. Woo DDS, MAGD

1150 South King St. #207

Honolulu, HI 96814

(808) 347-9147

  • 3M Mini Dental Implants

    MDI Mini Dental Implants What Are MDI Implants? The 3M™ MDI System includes a metal housing that is incorporated into the denture and acts like a socket that contains a rubber O-ring to form a seal. When seated, the denture rests gently on the gum tissue. The mini titanium alloy implant is rooted

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  • 3i Dental Implants

    3i Dental Implants Implant dentistry is the most advanced therapy available to replace missing teeth. Dental implant restorations generally look, feel, and act like natural teeth. Dental implants may offer you important advantages compared to other treatment options. Improved health and enhanced

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  • 6 Month Smiles

    Six Month Smiles® What Is Six Month Smiles? Six Month Smiles is a modern twist on tried-and-true orthodontics. There is little debate within the orthodontic community that braces are the most widely used and most effective method to give patients straight, healthy teeth and beautiful smiles.

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  • ANUG Trench Mouth

    Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis - Trench Mouth Acute Necrotizing Ulcerative Gingivitis (ANUG), which is also known as trench mouth or Vincent's Stomatitis, is a painful bacterial infection and ulceration of the gums. The term "trench mouth" comes from World War I, when the disorder was common

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  • Abscessed Tooth

    Treatment of an abscessed tooth An abscessed tooth is a pocket of pus, usually caused by some kind of infection and the spread of bacteria from the root of the tooth to the tissue just below or near the tooth. In general, a tooth that has become abscessed is one whose underlying pulp (the tooth's

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  • Acid Experiment

    Acid Experiment This experiment simulates an acid attack on bones (bones are rich with calcium, just like your teeth). What you'll need: 2 clean chicken bones 1 container 1 bottle of white vinegar What to do: Pour several inches of vinegar into the container. Soak the clean chicken

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  • AcquaBrite

    AcquaBrite AcquaBrite Deep Bleaching™ is the only recognized whitening technique that is so effective that it can often whiten even tetracycline-stained teeth in a short time. AcquaBrite whitening products can achieve these amazing results with little or no sensitivity at all. The difference

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  • Age and Oral Health

      Oral changes with age Is tooth loss inevitable in your later years? How much should adults be concerned about cavities? Here you will find helpful answers to some frequently asked questions about oral health questions you may have as you get older. National survey reveals baby boomers miss

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  • Air Abrasion

    Many people associate the high-pitched whirring of a dental drill with pain. Just the sound alone can make many people wince. A relatively new technique called air abrasion uses powerful particles of aluminum oxide to remove debris and decay. The most exciting thing for patients is that air abrasion

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  • All Teeth

    Implants for All Teeth If you are missing all of your teeth, an implant-supported full bridge or full denture can replace them. Dental implants will replace both your lost natural teeth and some of the roots. What are the advantages of implant-supported full bridges and implant-supported dentures

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  • Anesthesia

    Dentistry has advanced to the point in which pain is almost a thing of the past. Powerful pain-killing medications known as anesthetics not only help a patient avoid discomfort during a procedure, but post-operatively as well. Some patients, especially children, may require higher doses of anesthetic

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  • Ankylos C/X Implants

    Implant dentistry is the most advanced therapy available to replace missing teeth. Dental implant restorations generally look, feel, and act like natural teeth. Dental implants may offer you important advantages compared to other treatment options. Improved health and enhanced appearance may both lead

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  • April 2022 Dental Newsletter

    The Importance of Preventive Care: Maintaining Good Oral Health Preventative dental care is a significant part of overall dental health, but it's often an afterthought. Our dedicated dentist sees many patients who don’t keep up with consistent preventative oral care and then must fix the problems

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  • Bad Breath

    Bad Breath (Halitosis) Bad breath (halitosis) can cause embarrassment, create social and psychological barriers, and even affect relationships. Causes The majority of bad breath problems begin in the mouth. Bad breath that is of oral cavity origin can be traced to a sulfur compound produced

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  • Bad Breath (halitosis)

    An estimated sixty-five percent of Americans have bad breath. Over forty-million Americans have "chronic halitosis," which is persistent bad breath. Ninety percent of all halitosis is of oral, not systemic, origin. Americans spend more than $1 billion a year on over the counter halitosis products,

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  • Before and After

    Finally, a painless way to reshape and permanently whiten your smile! Chipped and Stained Spaced Teeth Good to Beautiful Fanged Teeth Replace Old Crowns and Bridgework

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