The Benefits of Dental Implants

From causing issues with your other, healthy teeth to degrading the jawbone itself, missing teeth left untreated can cause 0062282001551902893.jpgserious issues beyond a simple gap in your smile. Luckily, dental implants can replace both your missing tooth and its root, making it stand out significantly from other tooth replacement options. Find out more about dental implants with Dr. Thomas Yanik at Yanik Dental in Windsor Locks, CT.

How do dental implants work? 
Dental implants are a tooth replacement option which uses a titanium, screw-like post placed directly into the jawbone beneath the missing tooth to anchor into place. The bone grows around the tooth during the healing process, integrating it into the natural structure of the mouth. After the implant site heals fully, your dentist will place the prosthetic tooth onto the post — called a fixture — via an abutment which connects the two main components.

Am I a good candidate for dental implants? 
Since the dental implant requires a surgical procedure for its initial placement, good candidates for this procedure should be in good medical health and able to undergo the necessary anesthetic. Additionally, patients should be in good dental health with no signs of teeth decay or gum disease — conditions which need treatment prior to implant placement. Good candidates should also have a strong at-home oral care routine with which to keep their teeth and implants clean and healthy.

Dental Implants in Windsor Locks, CT
Do not hesitate to repair your smile with dental implants. An untreated missing tooth can result in various issues, such as shifting healthy teeth and bone atrophy in the area of the tooth. Consulting with your dentist is the best way to ensure that a dental implant is the best course of treatment for you.

For more information on dental implants or their benefits, please contact Dr. Thomas Yanik at Yanik Dental in Windsor Locks, CT. Call (860) 623-1116 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Yanik today!

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