Don't Ignore a Toothache

If you have a toothache, you just want to go away. However, ignoring pain or sensitivity is counterproductive, even dangerous. Fortunately, here at Yanik Dental in Windsor Locks, Dr. Thomas Yanik treats dental pain, often with root canal therapy, but sometimes with other restorative interventions as needed. Read on to learn more! 

What causes a toothache?

Did you know that your tooth consists of both hard surfaces (enamel and dentin) as well as soft tissue (interior pulp)? When one or both become damaged/infected, you may experience a throbbing toothache, or at least lingering sensitivity to heat, cold, pressure, and sugar.

Left untreated, toothaches may hurt more, or surprisingly, they may even go away as the nerves inside the tooth sustain more damage. Unfortunately, the problem may progress beyond the tooth as gum tissue, affecting the underlying bone and even your systemic health. 

What you should do

If you experience lingering discomfort, contact Dr. Yanik and his team. He'll examine and X-ray your tooth to determine what is wrong and what can be done about it. Dental extraction is not his preferred course of action, unless it proves completely necessary.

Instead, Dr. Yanik may advise one of several treatment options depending on what is wrong with your tooth. Your care plan can include:

  • Restoring dental decay with a tooth-colored filling or, if extensive, a customized porcelain crown, or cap
  • Using special toothpaste or rinses to reduce sensitivity issues due to exposed roots or thin enamel
  • Replacing an old, defective crown or missing filling with a new restoration
  • Treating sinus infections with antibiotics (these infections often cause dental pain) from your primary care physician or ear, nose and throat doctor
  • Treating teeth clenching and grinding with a customized bite guard (worn at night)
  • Undergoing root canal therapy in Dr. Yanik's Windsor Locks office

Root canal therapy is one of today's most successful restorative treatments. It removes diseased and damaged pulp from each one of the tooth's slender canals. These chambers contain nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue that can all cause toothache pain if damaged or exposed to bacteria from decay/infection.

Teeth treated with a root canal are crowned, preserving them for decades. The restored teeth look good, function well, and best of all, experience no more toothache pain. 

Are you ready to feel better?

Please don't wait—if you have a toothache, call Yanik Dental in Windsor Locks right away for first aid advice and an appointment for an examination and treatment. Dr. Yanik and his team want you to have your best smile for life. Phone us today at (860) 623-1116.

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