Are You Keeping Good Oral Hygiene Habits?

Let’s take a little time to examine your current dental routine to see if it can be improved. 

According to the American Dental Hygienists Association, approximately 78 percent of Americans will have at least one cavity by 17 years old. The good news is that despite this alarming rate, cavity prevention is possible and begins with a good at-home routine. From the office of our Windsor Locks, CT, general dentist Dr. Thomas Yanik, here are some tips that everyone should follow to keep their smiles healthy and safe.

Brush and Floss Regularly 

While this should be a no-brainer you would be surprised how many people are not brushing and flossing as often as they should be. In fact, you might not be either. At the very least you should be brushing twice a day and flossing daily. Make sure that you are using the proper brushing and flossing techniques and if you aren’t sure whether you’re doing it right, don’t hesitate to ask our Windsor Locks, CT, family dentist during your next general dental checkup.

Nix Sugar

While we all know that sugary treats give us that rush of dopamine, we also know that too much sugar is one of the main reasons we see children and adults with a number of cavities. Along with maintaining good brushing and flossing habits, you also need to focus on a healthy, balanced diet that is low in sugar. Not sure how much sugar you are consuming? It may be much higher than you realize. Everything from certain brands of nut milk to salad dressings can have added sugar. Make sure to always check nutritional labels before you buy.

Limit Alcohol 

If you are someone who imbibes occasionally then this may not apply, but if you are a moderate or heavy drinker it’s important to limit your alcohol consumption if you want to maintain good oral health. Alcohol can cause everything from cavities and gum disease to mouth sores and bad breath, so it’s important to drink in moderation.

While our Windsor Locks, CT, dental team at Yanik Dental will not be providing routine checkups and care during the pandemic, our dentist is still providing emergency dental treatment and care. If you are dealing with a dental emergency, please call us at (860) 623-1116.

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