Shine up Your Smile With Teeth Whitening

Over time, your teeth can look old and dull. Why not shine up your smile with professional teeth whitening from Yanik Dental in Windsor Locks, CT? Because it's supervised by your dentist, Dr. Thomas Yanik, teeth whitening is safe for your teeth and produces impressive results.

Barbecue sauce, tea, cola, smoking

What do these things share? Dental stains are the commonality. Darkly pigmented organic matter collects on and in your teeth. That's right. It becomes embedded in your enamel--even though you brush and floss.

Dear Doctor calls this kind of discoloration extrinsic staining. Yellow is the usual color, along with a lack of surface sheen. Happily, professional teeth whitening from your Windsor Locks, CT, dentist works wonders.

How teeth whitening works

A patient conference and exam precede all cosmetic dentistry services at Yanik Dental. The information gathered by Dr. Yanik helps him determine what treatment is right for you. Most adults in good oral health qualify for and benefit from teeth whitening. If you do, you may select an in-office treatment or convenient take-home trays and gel.

Each kind uses a concentrated hydrogen peroxide gel. The American Dental Association (ADA) says that this gel literally alters the chemical make-up of organic stains. The stains lose their bonding power and lift right out of your tooth enamel. Frankly, it works wonderfully well, leaving teeth brighter by up to eight shades.

Just come to the office, and let your dentist paint on the gel. Or, if you prefer, get custom-made acrylic trays to apply the gel yourself at home. This version takes longer but yields the same spectacular results.

Staying stain-free

Here's what we recommend:

  1. Brush your teeth gently for two minutes at least twice a day. Use fluoride toothpaste. Whitening toothpaste is optional.

  2. Floss once every day to remove accumulated plaque. Plaque holds onto stains.

  3. Get an exam and cleaning every six months at Yanik Dental.

  4. Stop chewing tobacco or smoking. Your smile appearance, gum health, and overall well-being will improve right away.

  5. Try to drink as much water as you can as part of your daily routine. Water increases saliva which is a natural whitening agent.

  6. Drink soda pop, sports drinks, coffee, and tea with a straw, and limit how much you do consume.

  7. If you eat acidic or dark foods, such as tomato sauce and curry, rinse your mouth afterward, and brush as soon as you can.

You'll love your new smile

Teeth whitening from Yanik Dental is a great deal. Effective, economical, and easy to do, this cosmetic dentistry treatment is popular with our Windsor, CT, patients. Phone for a consultation with Dr. Thomas Yanik: (860) 623-1116.

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