Rejuvenate Your Smile with Teeth Whitening

Get a brilliant smile with Sinsational Smile professional teeth whitening. 

Are you dreaming of a white smile this Christmas? If so, our Windsor Locks, CT, cosmetic dentist Dr. Thomas Yanik has just 0908398001546457189.jpgthe whitening system that can get your smile up to five shades whiter in no time. While many chairside whitening systems can take up to one hour, Sinsational Smile offers the results you want in as little as 20 minutes.

What is the Sinsational Smile treatment like? 

When you come into our Windsor Locks, CT, dental office for teeth whitening, we will first need to clean your teeth to remove any plaque or tartar buildup. Once your teeth are cleaned we can now start the whitening process. Sinsational Smile uses FDA-approved whitening gel and an LED system to help you get fast, noticeable results in just one session.

The first step will be to apply the whitening gel to the front of your teeth. From there, an LED light is directed over your teeth, which will stimulate the active ingredient within the whitening gel to break up stain molecules faster and more efficiently to reveal a brighter smile.

How many whitening treatments will I need? 

This will depend on the severity of your dental stains. Most patients can get the results they want in as little as one whitening session; however, those with more widespread or deep-rooted stains may require more than one treatment. This is something that our dentist will be able to discuss with you during your consultation at our Windsor Locks location.

How long will my results last? 

This is something that can be influenced by you and your everyday habits. Results can last up to one year or longer if you avoid stain-causing foods and drinks and if you maintain good oral hygiene. You can also use at-home whitening treatments to help your results last longer.

Who is a good candidate for professional teeth whitening? 

Any healthy individual who wants to remove surface stains from natural teeth and get a brighter smile could be an ideal candidate for in-office teeth whitening. It’s important to understand that whitening treatment will not be as effective on stains caused by medications, excessive fluoride exposure, or genetic defects. Whitening also won’t brighten artificial structures such as crowns and dental fillings.

Give us a call!

Are you ready to get a brighter more radiant smile? If so, call Yanik Dental in Windsor Locks, CT, today at (860) 623-1116 to find out how Sinsational Smile teeth whitening can help you.

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