Mission Dates 2018

Ecuadent has scheduled our next medical and dental mission dates to Ecuador. The medical mission will take place from Thursday February 15 to Saturday February 24, 2018 at the Naval Hospital in Esmeraldas. The dental mission will be Thursday February 22 to Saturday March 3, 2018. There will be a meeting on September 10, 2017 for all potential mission volunteers to discuss planning and finalize ticket purchases.

Out of the safety and best interests of our volunteers, we have decided there will not be a mission in 2017. With the election of the new president of Ecuador, there was too much uncertainty for us to schedule a mission this year.

We are always grateful for your support, and Ecuadent will continue to serve the children of Ecuador! We will be keeping you up to date with Ecuadent’s upcoming activities. We will be updating more frequently since our mission date has been set. Keep an eye out for the events we have planned for the fall, we will have more information on them soon!

Thank you for your understanding and support!

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9:00 AM-5:00 PM


9:00 AM-5:00 PM


9:00 AM- 5:00 PM


9:00 AM-5:00 PM


9:00 AM-5:00 PM





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