Ecuador’s Election 2017

Preliminary results of the Ecuadorian Election have Lenín Moreno with 39.1% of votes, just short of the 40% needed to win.  Guillermo Lasso is in second place with 28% of the vote. Once all the votes have been counted, if no candidate has reached 40% of the vote then there will be a runoff election on April 2.

Here is a quick summary of the election frontrunners:

Lenín Moreno (PAIS Alliance Party), former Vice President of Rafael Correa, the current president. Moreno is backed by Correa and has created a platform based on improving health, education, jobs, social security, and developing Ecuador as an eco-conscious tourism destination. Guillermo Lasso (Creating Opportunities Party) is Moreno’s closest competitor and his platform has been based eliminating taxes. Cynthia Viteri (Social Christian Party), a conservative, is focusing on stimulating the economy and putting democratic institutions back into place. The final candidate Paco Moncayo’s (National Agreement for Change Party) platform addresses social programs and promises, “no more taxes.”

We hope the new leadership will welcome Ecuadent into their borders.

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