October 2014 Platinum Circle Dental Mission to Salinas

Members of the Platinum Circle Fortune Management Group volunteered for the Ecuadent Foundation from October 16 to October 25, 2014 to treat impoverished children living in the areas surrounding Salinas, in the province of Santa Elena, Ecuador.

Our team treated 466 children over four and a half treatment days. We performed 3,650 procedures, a number that reflects the efficient and hard work of every member on the team.

The specifics of the procedures are as follows:

  • 432 cleanings
  • 422 fluoride treatments
  • 1,721 sealants
  • 945 restorations
  • 124 extractions
  • 4 root canals
  • 2 pulp caps.

Pediatrician Dr. Karasik  treated 155 patients, helping families with medications, medical advice, and nutritional guidance.

Notably, we traveled to a nearby neighborhood where many of the children lived called Paraiso, which ironically translates to “Paradise.” On our journey we saw miles of dirt roads, hand-made thatched shacks, and children walking barefooted in the streets. It was heart-wrenching to see how these children lived. We passed out toothbrushes to a school of kindergarteners, giving each child enough toothpaste and toothbrushes for their entire household. We witnessed the joy that this simple act brought to the children; we saw six-year-old girls hug and kiss their toothbrushes in pure excitement. — This is the reason we return year after year: to change the lives of the children who need it most.

Thank you so much to our volunteers, and to those at home who contributed to the success of our mission through their generous support!

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9:00 AM-5:00 PM


9:00 AM-5:00 PM





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