
Palatine Teeth Whitening, Dental Implants, Veneers

From routine cleanings and fillings to bruxism devices, Steven J. Hillesheim DDS is equipped to handle all your dental needs. To help you understand your options, we've included descriptions of some of our leading services on this page.

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Snoring affects millions of people of all ages, both male and female. Oral appliance therapy is the most common treatment for the most severe snoring problems. Treatment procedures range from changing your sleep patterns to utilizing orthodontic-related appliances that help open the airways during sleep.

Dr. Hillesheim is now able to fabricate the latest oral sleep apnea appliance, the SomnoDent® MAS. For more information, please visit

What makes the sound of snoring?

Snoring is caused by the vibrations of your soft and/or hard tissue palates; these vibrations occur because of increasingly narrow air passages. When air passes through these passages, a “flapping” sound occurs because the tissue is soft in nature. Surgery (to alleviate the snoring) is not always successful, however, because the sound may not originate from the soft palate; the snoring sometimes originates from tissues in the upper airway.

Loud snorers may have a more serious case of blocked air passages, known as apnea.

Common causes for snoring:

  • Smoking
  • Alcohol
  • Health Problems
  • Obesity
  • Obstructed Nasal Passages - Deviated Septum
  • Poor Muscle Tone of the Tongue
  • Daytime Fatigue
  • Sleep Apnea
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Allergies

Initial Oral Examination

Your initial oral examination includes a visual examination, charting, periodontal probing, diagnosis and treatment recommendations. We will also take x-rays, which includes the panoramic x-ray for proper diagnosis of the anterior (front) and posterior (back) teeth as well as the bite-wing x-ray series for proper diagnosis of proximal decay of posterior teeth.


Implants are synthetic structures that are placed in the area of the tooth normally occupied by the root. Implants are anchored to the jawbone or metal framework on the bone and act as a foundation for an artificial tooth or permanent bridge. In some cases, implants can be used to attach dentures. Read More...


Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain or plastic cemented over the front of your teeth to change their color or shape. Veneers are used on teeth with uneven surfaces or are chipped, discolored, oddly shaped, unevenly spaced or crooked. Read More...

Crowns and Bridges

Crowns are synthetic caps, usually made of a material like porcelain, placed on the top of a tooth. Crowns are typically used to restore a tooth's function and appearance following a restorative procedure such as a root canal. When decay in a tooth has become so advanced that large portions of the tooth must be removed, crowns are often used to restore the tooth. Read More...

Teeth Whitening

Whitening procedures have effectively restored the smile of people with stained, dull, or discolored teeth.The darker tissue of your teeth, the dentin, can become exposed as the outer layer of enamel is worn away by the effects of aging or things like caffeine and tobacco. Read More...


It’s a series of clear, custom-made, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth as you wear them, each aligner moving your teeth just a little bit at a time. Read More...

Root Canal Therapy

Root canals are tiny passageways that branch off from beneath the top of the tooth, coursing their way vertically downward, until they reach the tip of the root. Read More...


Simple toothaches can often be relieved by rinsing the mouth to clear it of debris and other matter. Sometimes, a toothache can be caused or aggravated by a piece of debris lodged between the tooth and another tooth. Avoid placing an aspirin between your tooth and gum to relieve pain, because the dissolving aspirin can actually harm your gum tissue. Read More...

Dental Emergencies

Our goal is to help you to minimize the risk of emergency treatment. This is why we commit a generous amont of time designing a Lifetime Treatment Plan that will help you to offset the possibility of unforseen pain or tooth breakage Read More...

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12:00 pm-8:00 pm


10:00 am-7:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-2:00 pm




8:00 AM - 12:00 PM (Once a month October - March)




What Our Clients Say About Us

  • "Visiting Steven Hillesheim DDS gives my family and me more reasons to smile."
    The Johnson Family
  • "Dr. Hillesheim provided me with excellent care when I needed it the most."
    Jennifer R.