Have Dental Anxiety? We Can Help

If you suffer from dental phobia, you could probably come up with a million reasons not to make a dental appointment. This puts you at an increased risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and loss of teeth. However, you can stop worrying—at Burton Dental Associates in Grand Rapids, MI, Dr. Aretha Yamusah understands how debilitating dental anxiety can be. This is why she offers sedation dentistry to Grand Rapids patients.

What are the Symptoms of Dental Anxiety?

Even though you are experiencing symptoms of dental anxiety, you may not know that this is a recognized medical condition. Symptoms include:

  • Difficulty sleeping the night before a dental visit.
  • A high level of anxiety in the dentist’s waiting room.
  • Anxious thoughts and feelings when you see dental instruments or dental staff.
  • Feelings of panic or nausea at the thought of visiting a dentist.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation Dentistry can help you relax in the dentist’s chair. Whether you’re having a routine check-up, a professional cleaning, or an implant inserted, you no longer need to feel anxious about your dental appointment. Typically, there are three types of sedation:

  • Minimal: You are relaxed, but you remain awake.
  • Moderate: You are relaxed and awake, but you will not remember much about the procedure.
  • Deep sedation: You are in a light state of unconsciousness, but can be easily awakened.
  • General anesthesia: You are fully unconscious.

If you choose minimal sedation, you will inhale a mix of nitrous oxide and oxygen through a mask. Oral sedation may be minimal or moderate and takes the form of a tablet. Moderate sedation may also be administered intravenously, allowing your dentist to adjust it. Deep sedation and general anesthesia are typically administered intravenously.

If you live in Grand Rapids and you’d like to find out more about sedation dentistry, call Dr. Yamusah at (616) 455-9900.

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Burton Dental Associates


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


10:00 am-5:00 pm





