Grand Rapids, MI Family Dentistry

Family Dentist in Grand Rapids

We all want the best for our family. From making sure our children eat healthy to getting our significant other to see their doctor for their annual checkup, our family is one of the most important things in our lives. Of course, we want everyone to be happy and healthy. The same goes for their dental health. No one wants to deal with cavities or gum disease, and the best way to prevent these frustrating situations from happening is to turn to our family dentist, Dr. Aretha Yamusah every six months for checkups.

Family Dentistry, Grand Rapids, MI

Early Diagnosis
While prevention is key, there are still times that decay and even gum disease will find their way in. However, it’s not as big an issue when you catch the problem early. This means seeing a family dentist for routine checkups. Don’t skip out on these visits.

You should be going at least twice a year for exams and cleanings. During your visit, we will be able to pinpoint any problem areas before they wreak havoc. Waiting to see your dentist will only prolong the issue and most likely make it worse. Nip problems in the bud by seeing your dentist regularly.

Clean, Healthy Smiles
Everyone wants a beautiful, healthy smile. You may even find yourself brushing like a fiend to get into every nook and cranny; however, you’re human, and you still miss spots. That’s where your family dentist comes in. Clean smiles are our thing here at Burton Dental Associates, and through specialized instruments and trained, caring professionals we can remove plaque and tartar buildup from all nooks and crannies in no time.

Furthermore, once plaque turns to tartar it’s impossible to clean off your teeth with just a normal toothbrush. Only your family dentist can remove it. That’s another reason why routine visits are so important. If tartar is left on teeth and gums it will eventually lead to gum disease.

Immediate Care When it Matters
We can never plan for everything in life and no matter how careful we seem to be accidents still happen. Whether your child’s tooth was just knocked out while playing sports or you woke up with a toothache, these are dental emergencies, which means taking time out of your schedule to get the problem fixed right away. However, if you don’t have a family dentist you won’t know where to turn.

Emergency room visits are pricey, and you’ll find yourself waiting longer than you should for treatment. However, this doesn’t happen here at Burton Dental Associates. You won’t have to wait to get care. We know time is crucial when it comes to saving a tooth or treating an infection, and we set aside time in our schedules to accommodate those emergencies, because we know they often happen when you least expect it. Don’t worry; we got you covered!

If you or a family member needs to schedule their next routine dental visit,
then it’s time to call our Grand Rapids, MI dental office 
today at (616) 455-9900.

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Our Regular Schedule

Burton Dental Associates


10:00 am-6:00 pm


10:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


10:00 am-5:00 pm





