Dental Bonding: Repairing Chips and Cracks

Your teeth are works of wonder. Enamel, the encasing outer layer, is the hardest substance in the human body. It has been likened to the hardness of steel, but as you may have found out, it can break under certain conditions. If it happens, it's by no means the end of the world, your Arlington, VA, dentists have at their disposal a variety of treatments to return to you your smile. So get in contact with Dr. Mona Adams and Dr. Omer Akmal of Virginia Dental Care to discuss which of these treatments best suits your needs, and consider composite dental bonding as a minimally invasive, and relatively inexpensive, solution.

Composite Resin

Dental bonding is not the correct choice for every smile. Severe cases of under or overbite, crooked teeth, and other limitations may require further intervention. Your dentist will be able to advise you of alternatives. But for chips or cracks on otherwise healthy teeth, bonding alone can produce great results.

The composite resin used in the procedure contains a mixture of plastic and glass or ceramic. The result is a strong agent that can be used to match the color of your teeth for near unnoticeable results. It's why this same material is often used as an alternative to amalgam fillings.

The treatment is relatively simple. To apply the composite resin, your dentist first prepares your injured tooth by removing some surface enamel. Then they shape and cement the resin onto your tooth, which is made to match the shape of your natural tooth. 

Dental Bonding Treatment in Arlington, VA

Your dental bonding treatment typically may not require any special care beyond the same good dental hygiene you afford the rest of your teeth. You may be advised to avoid biting hard foods such as ice or popcorn kernels, but even your natural teeth can crack under this sort of pressure. It's how a lot of patients end up searching for treatment for their cracked or chipped teeth. If this is you, you've found your answer, make an appointment with Dr. Adams and Dr. Akmal of Virginia Dental Care in Arlington, VA by dialing (703) 276-1010.

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