Do I Need a Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

Your periodontist can help with your wisdom teeth extraction in Miami, FL.

Do you have a painful wisdom tooth? If so, you may be wondering if you need it extracted. Only your periodontist and oral surgeon can tell for sure, but there are some definite signs and symptoms that you need to pay attention to.

Dr. Angel Diaz-Norman and Dr. Marco Morales offer a wide range of dental specialty services including periodontal treatments, oral surgery, and dental implants. They can help you with your wisdom teeth extraction in Miami, FL.

Most people don’t have room for a third set of molars, commonly known as wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth typically aren’t helpful to bite and chew your food, because they are so far back in your mouth, Wisdom teeth are often not aligned properly to function well.

The best time to have them removed is during the ages of 17 to 25, however, older adults can have them removed if necessary.

You may need a wisdom tooth extraction if you:

  • Feel pain and pressure far back in your mouth or jaws
  • Feel pain and pressure when you open and close your mouth
  • Experience stiffness in your jaw
  • Experience difficulty opening your mouth wide

Wisdom teeth should also be removed if:

  • You can’t keep them clean
  • You have decay in one or more wisdom teeth
  • They are erupting out of position

If wisdom teeth don’t erupt and stay embedded in bone, they are known as impacted wisdom teeth. Impacted wisdom teeth can form cysts, which can cause bone destruction and other issues.

Wisdom teeth can be removed in Miami, FL, quickly and easily. Multiple sedation methods allow you to have your wisdom teeth extracted as comfortably as possible. To learn more about wisdom teeth extraction and other dental specialty services, call Dr. Diaz-Norman and Dr. Morales at (305) 227-4020 today!

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