Sedation Dentistry & Dental Anxiety

sedationDoes the thought of a visit to the dentist's office make you a little anxious? If you suffer from dental anxiety, you are not alone. Nearly 40 million Americans have some level of dental phobia. Luckily for our Brantford patients, Dr. Nader Jahshan and our team at Lynden Hills Dentistry offer sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry allows our patients to become fully relaxed for the duration of their time in the treatment chair, feeling little or no discomfort.

Many people avoid visiting the dentist for a general dentistry appointment or bi-annual checkup because they associate fear and discomfort with the sights, sounds, and smells of the dentist's office. Even more patients avoid restorative dental repairs such as dental crowns or creating their dream smile with cosmetic dentistry solutions because of dental anxiety. Patients who suffer from dental anxiety often face a number of issues when they finally make it to the dentist's office, and may require extensive maintenance or repairs. With sedation dentistry, Dr. Jahshan at Lynden Hills Dentistry in Brantford can perform multiple procedures in one comfortable visit while the patient reclines in a state of total relaxation.

What to Expect with Sedation Dentistry

Patients who undergo sedation before a dental procedure are not actually asleep and are able to respond to questions from Dr. Jahshan when necessary. Patients are monitored by a member of the Lynden Hills Dentistry team to ensure that their sedation is successful and also to make sure that they experience little or no discomfort. Many of Dr. Jahshan's patients comment after their sedation dentistry session that they feel more relaxed than before they came into the office.

Sedation Dentistry Consultation

If you suffer from dental anxiety or simply wish to learn more about sedation dentistry and the sedation methods used at our Brantford practice, contact us at (519) 752-1227 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Nader Jahshan.

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Lynden Hills Dentistry


8:00 am-4:30 pm


9:00 am-6:00 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm


8:00 am-4:30 pm





