Save Your Smile with Dental Crowns

Unhappy with the state of your smile? Our dentist, Dr. Jeffrey Taylor, can help

Even small to moderate damage to your teeth can have a noticeably negative impact on your smile. Fortunately, whether you have cosmetic imperfections or chipped/cracked teeth from an accident, dental crowns can help. Dr. Jeffrey Taylor, your dentist in Indianapolis, IN, offers a range of cosmetic and general dentistry services for the whole family—read on to learn how he can help you!

Give Your Smile a Makeover with Dental Crowns in Indianapolis, IN

Dental crowns are one of the most effective dental treatments available to give damaged teeth a new look and feel. They are also one of the most versatile restorations available and are used to correct a number of cosmetic and oral health problems including:

  • Restore tooth surface if a cavity is too large to be repaired with a standard filling
  • Fix a cracked or broken tooth
  • Strengthen a fractured tooth
  • Replace a missing tooth through a bridge
  • Cover a dental implant
  • Improve cosmetic imperfections

Another common reason to get a dental crown is to repair extensive tooth decay. While most cavities can successfully be treated with a dental filling, some cavities are too large to fill, making a crown necessary to save whatever healthy portion is left of the tooth and to prevent further decay.

Crowns are custom designed to resemble your natural teeth, so your smile will look better than ever in just a few trips to the dentist. With proper care, a crown can last an average of ten years or longer.

Find a Dentist in Indianapolis, IN

For more information about how dental crowns can improve your smile and oral health, contact Decatur Family Dentistry today by calling (317) 455-1425 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Taylor.

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Decatur Family Dentistry


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7:00 am-4:00 pm


7:00 am-2:00 pm





