How to Keep Your Mouth Healthy After a Tooth Extraction

You have an upcoming tooth extraction. At Decatur Family Dentistry in Indianapolis IN, Dr. Jeffrey Taylor provides the finest in anesthesia, simple and surgical teeth extractions, and excellent care so you get through your procedure comfortably and heal well afterward. Learn more about aftercare here.

Reasons for teeth extractions

At Decatur Family Dentistry in Indianapolis, IN, Dr. Taylor and his staff work hard at preventive and restorative dentistry. Regrettably, though, some teeth cannot be saved.

Reasons someone may need a dental extraction are:

  • Deep decay which invades the supporting bone
  • Failed root canal therapy
  • Gum disease
  • Abscess, or infection
  • Traumatic injury to the tooth and/or gums and bone
  • Impacted wisdom teeth (surrounded by gum tissue and/or bone)
  • Advancement of orthodontic care (teeth may be too large for the jaw)
  • Baby teeth hindering eruption of adult teeth

Whatever your situation, Dr. Taylor can perform either a simple extraction ("pulling a tooth") or surgical procedure right in the office. He offers local anesthetic, sedation in pill form, and nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to ensure a comfortable patient experience.

After your dental extraction

To ease discomfort, prevent infection, promote healing, and prepare for tooth replacement, the team at Decatur Family Dentistry recommends the following aftercare practices:

  • Bite on gauze for at least 30 minutes post-procedure to ensure your blood clot forms properly
  • Take analgesics as directed for pain and antibiotics (if any) as prescribed to quell the infection
  • Avoid strenuous brushing, drinking with a straw, and smoking for 24 hours (painful dry socket may occur if the blood clot becomes dislodged).
  • Do not drink alcohol or rinse with an alcohol-based mouthwash for 24 hours.
  • Begin a soft diet as soon as you are able, and advance to your usual foods within two days.
  • Rinse your mouth with saltwater when you get home from the office.
  • Put a cold compress on your jaw to relieve swelling.

Also, call the office if you have a fever over 100 degrees Fahrenheit, pus at the extraction site, excessive swelling of the jaw and pain not relieved with over the counter analgesics.

We'll take good care of you

At Decatur Family Dentistry in Indianapolis, IN, Dr. Jeffrey Taylor treats each patient thoughtfully and gently, especially during procedures such as teeth extractions. To learn more about our wide range of dental services, please contact our office at (317) 455-1425.

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Decatur Family Dentistry


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7:00 am-2:00 pm





