What to Do in a Dental Emergency

Have you ever had a toothache or even chipped or knocked out a tooth? Then, you've experienced a dental emergency. At Decatur Family Dentistry in Indianapolis, Dr. Jeffrey Taylor and his team are available to help you through anything which threatens your oral health. Here's information to help before getting treatment with your emergency dentist.

What is a dental emergency?

A dental emergency is a very urgent oral health situation involving bleeding or pain, loss of function, or compromise of smile appearance. In these events, call your emergency dentist, Dr. Jeffrey Taylor, for the best advice on your immediate concerns and for treatment at our Indianapolis office as needed.

A dental emergency may involve:

  • An oral laceration
  • Broken or dislocated jaw
  • A broken, cracked, displaced, loose, or avulsed tooth
  • Toothache pain related to decay, accident, or infection
  • A dislodged crown or filling
  • A broken denture
  • A jaw or gum swelling

Actions to take

Much depends on the correct assessment of your situation and quick action. Here's what you can do for yourself or a loved one in need:

  1. Bleeding: Place direct pressure on the area with a 4x4 pad or clean washcloth or handkerchief. If bleeding does not stop within 15 minutes, go to the nearest ER for treatment.
  2. Toothache pain: Take ibuprofen or acetaminophen, and apply a cold compress if your jaw hurts or is swollen. Call the office for an appointment.
  3. Knocked-out tooth: Amazingly, many avulsed teeth remain viable if put back in place by your emergency dentist in his Indianapolis office. Rinse the tooth to remove debris, and put the tooth roots down into the socket. If this is not possible, place the tooth in water, milk, or over the counter tooth preservative and take it to Decatur Family Dentistry. The American Association of Endodontists says survival rates increase with quick re-implantation.
  4. Chipped or cracked tooth, filling, crown or veneer: Save the fragments and bring them to Dr. Taylor. He may bond the pieces back in place.

Avoid problems before they start

The best way to avoid dental emergencies is to take good care of your smile. Brush and floss carefully, and see Dr. Taylor twice a year for a routine check-up and cleaning.

Avoid additional damage to your mouth by:

  • Wearing a mouth guard during sports
  • Never biting on non-foods such as plastic packaging or pencils

We will help

Whatever your question or concern about your oral health, contact Dr. Jeffrey Taylor, your emergency dentist in Indianapolis, IN. At Decatur Family Dentistry, we treat our patients with the finest diagnostic and restorative techniques and of course, a friendly, compassionate attitude. Call us at (317) 455-1425.

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Decatur Family Dentistry


8:00 am-5:00 pm


8:00 am-5:00 pm


7:00 am-4:00 pm


7:00 am-2:00 pm





