What You Should Know About Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are essentially prosthetics for teeth. They sit over cracked, chipped, or discolored teeth to restore your confident smile. If you're considering getting your dental crowns from your Indianapolis, IN, dentist, Dr. Jeffrey Taylor at Decatur Family Dentistry, these dental crown facts might make the process a little easier.

Your Dental Crowns Look Natural

Your dental crowns are made of materials that closely resemble natural tooth enamel because they are light-reflecting. You will have a beautiful restoration that blends in perfectly with the rest of your smile. If you're getting your dental crowns in Indianapolis, IN, ask your dentist about possible cosmetic fixes you can achieve with your crowns.

You've Got Options

All dental crowns don't come equal. The various construction materials have their pros and cons.

Porcelain dental crowns are excellent if you want a seamless finish. These crowns generally blend well with your natural teeth but they're not the most durable. A Porcelain fused to metal crown is a more durable option but the porcelain crown could chip revealing the darker metal frame inside.

If you care more about resilience, metal crowns have a long life span. However, their sharp metallic color might not be everyone's style.

All-resin dental caps are a budget-friendly option but aren't as long-lasting as the others.

Your dentist at the Decatur Family Dentistry office in Indianapolis, IN, will help you choose the appropriate course of treatment for your needs. 

They Can Last Over a Decade

Dental crowns might not last a lifetime but you can get them to last 10-15 years with proper care.

The construction material also determines how long your dental crowns will last with metal crowns sitting at the top of the list.

They Don't Need Special Care

After getting your new crowns, your dentist will instruct you on the proper care routine and recommend a nightguard if you clench your teeth while you sleep to protect them.

You don't need fancy cleaning solutions or cleaning tablets to care for your new dental crowns. Basic oral hygiene rules like brushing twice daily and flossing regularly are all you need to keep your crowns clean.

The Dental Crowns Installation Process

You usually need two appointments for your dental crown installation. During your first appointment, your dentist will take X-rays of your teeth and surrounding bone. They proceed to file down your teeth so the crown fits properly. Then they cover them with a temporary crown for protection.

The second appointment is usually when you get your permanent crowns placed and you get to leave with your brand new tooth!

Get your smile back with dental crowns. Call your Indianapolis, IN, dentist, Dr. Taylor of Decatur Family Dentistry, to schedule an appointment by dialing (317) 455-1425.

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