Click here for CSD latest COVID-19 Update. If you have any of these emergency warning signs for COVID-19 seek medical attention immediately: cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, new loss of taste or smell. Please wear a mask upon entering. You can also call us for a Teledentistry Appointment. As a reminder our office will be closed until May 15, 2020. Continue to be well.  


Some dental procedures, such as tooth extractions and oral surgery, may call for our office to prescribe medications before or after a procedure. These medications are used to prevent or fight an infection, or to relieve any post-operative discomfort and pain.

For these reasons, it is extremely important that you share your entire medical history - including any medications you are currently taking - with our office. Some medications used in dentistry, and other medical practices, could interact with those medications in a detrimental way.  In addition, if you have any allergic reactions to certain medications, it is important for our office to know beforehand.

Finally, if you are prescribed any medication by our office, follow the dosage instructions very carefully, and if instructed, finish your entire prescription even if you are no longer feeling pain.