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How Cosmetic Dentistry Can Improve Your Smile

People choose cosmetic dentistry to repair a defect in their smile such as a malformed bite, or crooked teeth.  Whatever the reason, the ultimate goal is to restore your smile and bring it back to life.  Your dentist in Easton, MD is available to offer cosmetic procedures to help you put your best smile forward. 

Brighten Your Smile with Teeth Whitening 

It’s not uncommon for years of drinking tea and coffee or bad habits like, smoking to gradually result in a discolored smile. With teeth whitening, eliminating stains and enhancing your natural white can produce dramatic results in as little as an hour.  In-office teeth bleaching performed by your professional Easton, MD dentist involves applying a bleaching gel to the teeth and activating the whitening solution with special lighting for approximately 30 minutes. 


Your dentist in Easton, MD can also provide you with trays, custom-designed to perfectly fit your teeth so that you can continue the bleaching process at home with a less powerful gel. By using the gel and the trays on a regular basis, you can touch up and continue the bleaching process. 


Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants

If you are missing a tooth or multiple teeth, dental implants can replace them and restore function to your mouth.  Dental implants are artificial tooth root replacements that are used in order to compensate for tooth loss.  The result is an enhanced smile, in addition to a more youthful appearance. The use of implants can successfully restore function to your mouth and successfully bring your smile back to life.


A Hollywood Smile with Veneers

If your teeth are cracked, stained, uneven or chipped, veneers may be the perfect option for transforming the most damaged smile.  These thin, porcelain shells are custom-designed by your Easton, MD dentist to perfectly cover and match your natural smile to mask most any dental blemish, including stains and cracks. Compared to many treatment options, veneers will last a long time, up to 20 years, and correct the alignment of your smile by covering damaged or misshapen teeth. 

Talk to your Easton, MD dentist at Centers for Specialized Dentistry about cosmetic dentistry, your goals for treatment, and which options may be best for your teeth. In as little as one appointment, you’ll be smiling bigger and brighter. 

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