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Are You Struggling With Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common disorder that impacts nightly rest, overall health, daily function, and interpersonal relationships. At the Centers for Specialized Dentistry in Easton, MD, Dr. John Louis offers customized ways to treat sleep apnea. This experienced dentist wants you to experience real relief.

Sleep apnea facts

  1. The American Sleep Apnea Association reports that 18 million Americans have sleep apnea, a problem characterized by frequent episodes of breathing cessation during the night. Along with gasping, restlessness, daytime fatigue, and mental fogginess, loud snoring is a presenting symptom.

  2. Sleep apnea disrupts entire households and strains interpersonal relationships.

  3. There are two kinds of sleep apnea--Obstructive, or OSA, and Central, or CSA. Some people even experience a mix of the two. OSA happens when the soft tissues of the throat cover the airway. CSA occurs with poor communication between the brain and the lungs.

  4. Sleep apnea is linked to major health issues such as diabetes, dementia, heart attack, and stroke.

  5. Predisposing factors include middle age, family history of sleep disorders, being male, obesity, smoking, alcohol abuse, and thick neck circumference.

Getting treatment

If you exhibit symptoms of sleep apnea, speak to your primary care physician. He or she may advise seeing a sleep physician for diagnosis and treatment.

A common treatment involves the nightly use of a CPAP machine. CPAP means continuous positive airway pressure. The machine sets at your bedside and delivers air through a facial-nasal mask. The air keeps your throat open and avoids much of the snoring and other symptoms of OSA.

Some people find CPAP difficult to adjust to. They may be claustrophobic, dislike the noise of the unit, or find the mask and hose inconvenient.

These individuals and others--just like you--may benefit from referral to their sleep dentist in Easton, MD, Dr. John Louis. When coming to the Centers for Specialized Dentistry, Dr. Louis will review your symptoms and do his own examination and evaluation.

Dr. Louis may prescribe a custom made oral appliance to control your sleep apnea. Commonly called snore guards, these acrylic devices fit comfortably inside the mouth and position the lower jaw forward. This position opens the airway so snoring stops, you can breathe continuously, and best of all, you rest.

Also, Dr. Louis offers laser surgery with the innovative Solea laser. This treatment alleviates any blockages at the back of the throat.

Some simple management tips include:

  • Losing weight
  • Sleeping on your side
  • Avoiding heavy meals and alcohol for several hours before you sleep
  • Quitting smoking

Whatever your case...

If you have mild to severe snoring problems and want real relief from sleep apnea, phone your dentist in Easton, MD, Dr. John Louis. He has the experience and expertise to help. Phone either of the two convenient locations of Centers for Specialized Dentistry. In Easton, MD, phone (410) 820-9599, or in Salisbury, call (410) 548-1096.

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