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What Is Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding, one of the treatments provided by your Easton and Salisbury, MD, dentist, Dr. John Louis of the Centers for Specialized Dentistry, can help you enhance your smile. The cosmetic dentistry treatment is an excellent option for dental flaws ranging from discolorations to chips to oddly shaped teeth.

Bonding can renew your smile

Dental bonding offers a simple, cost-effective way to improve the appearance of teeth. The treatment involves adding flexible composite resin to a tooth, shaping the resin, then bonding the material to the tooth with a curing light. Composite resin is available in a variety of tooth-colored shades to ensure that your dental work blends in with your smile.

Bonding is often combined with contouring. During contouring, your Easton and Salisbury dentist reshapes teeth by removing tiny pieces of tooth enamel in strategic locations.

How dental bonding helps your smile

Thanks to bonding, you can:

  • Make Minor Damage Disappear: Bonding is often used to fill in chips at the bottom of teeth, hide shallow cracks, or repair other types of damage.
  • Lengthen Teeth: Adding a little composite resin is an excellent way to lengthen teeth that have shortened due to normal wear and tear or grinding or clenching your teeth while you sleep.
  • Transform an Oddly Shaped Tooth: It only takes one unusually shaped tooth to ruin your smile. Bonding can make crooked or twisted teeth look straight or completely change the appearance of a tooth.
  • Make Over a Discolored Tooth: Discolored or dark teeth may be a problem due to tetracycline stains, large fillings, or tooth trauma. Composite resin hides the discoloration, making the tooth look just like surrounding teeth.
  • Close Gaps Between Teeth: If you've wanted to do something about the gap between your teeth for a long time, bonding may be the perfect option for you. Although you'll need orthodontic treatment for large gaps, slight gaps can be easily concealed by applying composite resin to your teeth.

Upgrade your smile with dental bonding! Schedule an appointment with Dr. John Louis of the Centers for Specialized Dentistry to discuss this cosmetic dentistry treatment option. Call (410) 820-9599 to reach the Easton, MD, office or dial (410) 548-1096 to arrange a visit with the Salisbury office.

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