The Chao Pinhole Surgical Technique TM


Rejuvenate your smile!

Receding gums do not only age a smile and face but can also weaken teeth, causing sensitivity, root damage or even tooth loss.

With the new Chao Pinhole Surgery Technique (PSTTM), receding gums can be repaired without the use of traditional surgery that includes cutting, grafting and stitching.

Dr. Nurani is currently among only a handful of doctors in the United States offering this breakthrough treatment. The PST gum recession procedure has been tested over a period of several years with uniformly good and lasting results.

Recently, this procedure was made available by inventor Dr. Chao to select dentists for more widespread application. The Pinhole Surgical Technique takes just a few minutes per treated tooth, with virtually no pain and no downtime.

Fast and effective gum recession treatment

With the new Pinhole Surgical Technique (PSTTM), we can treat all the affected teeth in one session, although patients can also opt for treating just one arch or quadrant at a time. Treatment is done using local anesthetic and treatment time is only one to two hours. Patients typically have needed only a couple of Tylenol® post treatment.

Results are stable, with cases maintaining their gum coverage even several years later.

Free Gum Recession Consultation

Start on your road to rejuvenated gums with a free consultation with Dr. Nurani. We will evaluate the extent of the gum recession and any other issues that might need to be handled to prevent gum recession from continuing. You will get treatment plan options and advice on the best path to choose for your specific condition.

How Pinhole Surgery works

The affected teeth are cleaned and prepared and the gum tissue is numbed with a local anesthetic. A small entry point (0.1 inch) is made in the gum above the tooth or teeth to be treated.

Dr. Nurani uses a specialized dental instrument designed and patented by PST inventor Dr. Chao to free the gum tissue at the entry point and gently move the gums down to their proper position. Next, they use a small angled instrument to pass several collagen strips through the entry point and place them under the gums. The collagen helps to stabilize the gums. There is little to no post-operative discomfort.


What is gum recession?

Gum recession refers to the loss of gum tissue along the gumline. This can occur as a result of periodontal disease (gingivitis, periodontitis, advanced periodontitis), the natural aging process, or abrasive habits when it comes to brushing the teeth.

Why should gum recession be taken seriously?

When gum recession occurs, the root structure of the tooth becomes exposed. This means that tooth decay and other problems can affect the teeth along the gumline and beneath it. Since healthy gums are essential for a healthy mouth, getting gum recession treated is important for lasting dental wellness.

What is the Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST™)?

The Pinhole Surgical Technique is a minimally invasive option for treating gum recession. Unlike traditional grafting techniques, PST™ is incision and suture free.

All of the tools and techniques used to perform the Pinhole Surgical Technique were created by Dr. John Chao. Our office is certified to provide this procedure for our patients.

How does the Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST™) differ from traditional gum grafting?

Traditional gum recession treatments involve the use of donor tissue or soft tissue grafts in order to rebuild the gumline. This soft tissue would be sutured in place and would join with existing gum tissue as it healed.

While this traditional grafting treatment is effective, comparable results with better patient experience can be achieved through the Pinhole Surgical Technique™.

How is the Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST™) performed?

During the Pinhole Surgical Technique™, a needle is used to make a small hole in the patient’s existing gum tissue. Through this pinhole, special instruments are used to gently loosen the gum tissue. These tools help expand and slide the gumline to cover the exposed root structure.

There are no grafts, no sutures, and no incisions needed with the Pinhole Surgical Technique™. It simply involves the adjustment of the existing tissue.

What are the benefits of the Pinhole Surgical Technique (PST™)?

The benefits of the Pinhole Surgical Technique are many:

  • Less discomfort for the patient after treatment
  • Faster recovery for the patient than traditional grafting
  • No need for uncomfortable sutures
  • No need for scalpels or invasive surgical tools
  • No need to take donor tissue from the patient’s palate
  • Excellent, natural-looking, long-lasting results

Our Buford office in the Gwinnett area provides the pinhole surgical technique. As a certified provider, we are able to offer this exciting technique to reverse gum recession for our patients. The technique is very successful and minimally invasive, which makes it the logical choice for treating gum recession.

The pinhole technique is performed using just a small entry point.

"I LOVE this place! After increasingly bad experiences at my previous dentist, I finally went to The Center. What a HUGE difference! Everything is state-of-the-art, and the office is a well-oiled machine, everyone really seems to work in unison. My first sedation experience was awesome, I no longer rue going to the dentist. I wish I would have made this decision about 10 years ago."

-Mike R.
