Preventing Ingrown Toenails

Ingrown toenails can be uncomfortable and even painful. If they are not treated promptly, an infection could potentially develop. Dr. James Longton, the experienced podiatrist at Arizona Foot and Wound Specialists in Phoenix, can treat your ingrown toenails and help you prevent them from coming back.


Ingrown toenails tend to develop on the nails of the big toes more often than the smaller ones. The primary reason a toenail becomes ingrown is that it has grown too close to the skin. When a nail is pressed up against the skin, the pressure can lead to redness and swelling, as well as pain and discomfort. Factors that commonly cause the toenails to grow too closely to the skin include:

  • Trimming the nails too short
  • Failing to trim the nails straight across
  • Wearing socks or shoes that are too tight
  • A fungal infection on the feet or toes
  • An injury to the feet or toes


Ingrown toenails can be prevented by taking certain precautions. Avoid trimming toenails extremely short, which can cause them to grow back too closely to the skin. Additionally, nails should always be trimmed straight across.

It is also important to wear shoes and socks that are not too tight so the toes have room to move. Tight-fitting shoes and socks can put pressure on the toes and contribute to the development of ingrown nails. Another preventive measure is keeping the feet clean and dry to avoid developing a fungal infection, which can result in ingrown toenails.


Ingrown toenails can be treated through several methods. Our podiatrist can explain the different approaches to treating ingrown nails and recommend a specific method for you. At our office in Phoenix, treatments for ingrown toenails include:

  • Pain-relief medication for pain or discomfort
  • Oral antibiotics to clear up any infection
  • Anti-fungal ointment to combat a fungal infection
  • Surgical removal of all or part of the ingrown toenail

In addition to professional treatment methods, there are some things you can do on your own to alleviate the discomfort of an ingrown nail. Soaking the feet in warm water can help soften the nail and make it easier to trim so it no longer presses against the skin. Additionally, massaging the side of the toenail while soaking the foot can help reduce inflammation.

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Longton to learn more about your options for treating ingrown toenails by calling Arizona Foot and Wound Specialists in Phoenix at (602) 445-6363.

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