Taking Care of Your Feet When You Have Diabetes

Taking Care of Your Feet When You Have Diabetes 

If you don’t take proper care, diabetes can be a very dangerous disease for your feet. Even a small blister or cut can result in severe consequences. This can happen when diabetes causes nerve damage that reduces the sensation in your feet. Diabetes can also cause a reduction in blood flow to your feet, which means injuries can take longer to heal and may be more vulnerable to infection. An untreated diabetic wound can put you at risk. Dr. James Longton and Dr. Sophia Stocks are podiatrists at Arizona Foot and Wound Specialists in Phoenix. They specialize in diabetic wound care.

How to avoid Serious Foot Problems with Diabetes

Phoenix patients with diabetes can avoid diabetic wounds in the following ways:

  • Daily feet inspection: Check your feet for blisters, cuts, sores, swelling, and nail problems. Make sure to check the soles of your feet with a mirror or ask someone to help.
  • Feet hygiene: Bathe your feet daily in tepid (never hot) water. Use a soft washcloth. Dry your feet gently with a soft towel, making sure to dry between your toes.
  • Moisturize your feet: Using a daily moisturizer will help prevent your skin from cracking. Don’t moisturize between your toes as this could cause a fungal infection.
  • Keep your feet dry: Wear comfortable, clean socks every day. Wear socks to bed to keep your feet warm rather than using a heating pad.
  • Don’t go barefoot: Even inside you should not walk around barefoot. This will prevent you from hurting your feet if you step on something hard or sharp.
  • Get regular exams: Our podiatrists are here to give you periodic foot exams to help prevent serious foot complications from diabetes.

If you live in Phoenix, AZ and you would like to discuss diabetic wound care with Dr. James Longton and Dr. Sophia Stocks, call (602) 445-6363 to schedule an appointment.

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Arizona Foot and Wound Specialists


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8:30 am-4:00 pm



