How Orthotics Can Help Your Foot Pain

Do you suffer from frequent foot pain? Orthotics prescribed by your Phoenix, AZ, podiatrists, Dr. James Longton and Dr. Sophia Stocks of Arizona Foot and Wound Specialists, may offer a simple, yet very effective, solution.

Orthotics can ease your pain

Unlike drugstore shoe inserts, orthotics are custom-designed for by your Phoenix, AZ, foot doctor. Orthotics decrease pain by:

  • Offering Proper Foot Support: Without a strong foundation, a building will eventually begin to tilt and weaken. The same is true of your body. When your feet can't adequately support your body, you may soon develop foot, leg, hip or back pain. Rigid orthotics are a good option if you have flat feet, or your feet turn too far in or out when you stand. In addition to relieving pain, orthotics may also improve your balance, helping you avoid falls.
  • Providing Extra Cushioning: Soft orthotics can lessen the pain of plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, arthritis, retrocalcaneal bursitis, stone bruises, arthritis, bunions, tarsal tunnel syndrome and other painful conditions. The orthotics also alleviate pain due to age-related thinning of the fat pads on the soles of your feet.
  • Reducing Pressure and Friction: Orthotics decrease pressure on your foot and can help you avoid blisters and diabetic ulcers. Reducing pressure may also speed healing if you have plantar fasciitis, tendonitis or other foot and ankle conditions.
  • Improving Alignment: Your feet are less likely to hurt when they're properly aligned. Improving the alignment of your feet decreases stress on your plantar fascia if you have plantar fasciitis and may slow the progression of painful bunions.
  • Preventing Sports Injuries: Do your feet hurt after you run or exercise? Adding orthotics to your shoes will help you prevent injuries that could keep you on the sidelines. Your podiatrist evaluates your gait and designs inserts that address your particular foot issues during your visit. Orthotics reduce pressure on your tendons and ligaments, keep your feet properly aligned and balanced, and help you avoid shin splints, plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis and other conditions.

Relieve your foot pain with orthotics. Call your podiatrists in Phoenix, AZ, Dr. James Longton and Dr. Sophia Stocks of Arizona Foot and Wound Specialists, at (602) 445-6363 to schedule your appointment.

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