Are You Experiencing Bleeding Gums?

How your periodontist in Shawnee, KS, can help with gum and periodontal disease

Bleeding gums are an early sign of gum disease, which if left untreated, can progress into full-blown periodontal disease, a condition that can cause you to lose both your teeth and oral bone structure. Fortunately, Dr. William C. Strutz in Shawnee, KS, offers gum and periodontal disease treatment to help boost your dental health! Read on to learn more.

The dangers of gum disease

Gum and periodontal disease are caused by the millions of harmful bacteria that exist in the plaque that clings to your teeth. This bacteria then causes inflammation and infection, resulting in gum disease, a condition that causes bleeding gums in its early stages. In addition to bleeding gums, you may experience:

  • Red, irritated gums, causing pain when you eat
  • Swollen gums with loss of normal gum contours
  • Chronic bad breath and a sour taste in your mouth

The good news is, gum disease can be reversed by following an excellent program of oral hygiene, which should include:

  • Brushing after meals and before bed
  • Flossing at least once each day
  • Visiting your dentist each year for an exam and x-rays
  • Visiting your dental hygienist once every six months for a professional cleaning

If gum disease goes untreated, the inflammation and infection can spread to the bone, ligaments, and fibers that hold your teeth in place, leading you to lose bone, soft tissue support, and teeth. Once the supporting bone is involved, you have periodontal disease, a condition that can’t be reversed; it can only be managed.

You may have periodontal disease if you experience:

  • Receding gums and loss of normal gum contours
  • Teeth that look elongated because of exposed tooth roots
  • Increased tooth sensitivity from exposed tooth roots
  • Changes in your bite, and a feeling that your teeth are moving

In response, Dr. Strutz will develop a comprehensive program to treat your gum and periodontal disease. He may recommend:

  • Scaling and root planing to remove debris and calculus from root surfaces
  • Supportive periodontal therapy to keep periodontal disease under control
  • Periodontal surgery to recontour gum tissue and reduce periodontal pockets making your smile easier to keep clean

Concerned? Give us a call

Save your smile by talking with your periodontist! To find out more about the causes, signs, symptoms, and treatment of gum and periodontal disease, call Dr. William C. Strutz in Shawnee, KS, today by dialing (913) 268-0808.

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