What Causes Bad Breath?

How your periodontist in Shawnee, KS, can help with bad breath

There are many conditions and issues that can cause bad breath. Gastric reflux disease, commonly referred to as GERD, chronic snoring, and sinus issues can all cause you to acquire a bit of rank odor. If you suffer from dry mouth because of medications or other reasons, your breath can also suffer.

One of the most common and treatable causes of bad breath is gum and periodontal disease. Here at the office of Dr. William C. Strutz, your periodontist in Shawnee, KS, we can help treat this issue and make your breath palatable once again.

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be caused by bacteria associated with gum and periodontal disease and food debris. Fortunately, your periodontist can help by providing important services like these:

Professional oral hygiene instruction

Oftentimes, bad breath can be eliminated by practicing an excellent oral hygiene regimen several times each day. Remember to brush after meals and before bed, and floss at least once each day. Dr. Strutz and his staff can help you with the correct technique and other issues to eliminate bad breath.

Gum disease treatment

Infected gums commonly cause a foul odor to emit from the mouth. Practicing excellent oral hygiene habits and having regular professional dental cleanings every 6 months can eliminate gum disease as well as bad breath.

Periodontal disease treatment

If gum disease progresses to the bone that supports your teeth, periodontal disease is the product. This condition then causes pockets to form around the teeth. Once formed, these spaces collect food and bacteria, contributing to bad breath. To treat periodontal disease, your periodontist may suggest supportive periodontal therapy appointments once every 3 to 4 months. Surgery may be recommended to help eliminate periodontal pockets and make your mouth easier to keep clean and healthy.

Contact Us

If you have bad breath that doesn’t go away, you should talk with an expert. It’s time to call Dr. William C. Strutz, your periodontist in Shawnee, KS. Dial (913) 268-0808 to get rid of your bad breath!

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