Bad Breath, What to Do

Is your bad breath embarrassing you and offending others? Sadly, halitosis which persists may be more serious than you think. In Shawnee, KS, periodontist, Dr. William Strutz, uncovers the reasons for really bad breath and helps people get rid of it.

Why does my breath smell so bad?

It's the subject of TV commercials, online ads, and even your own thoughts and feelings. Frankly, halitosis originates with bacteria in the mouth--little bothersome germs which, as they both live and die, give off VOCs, or volatile organic compounds. VOCs cause the odor we know as bad breath.

When most people breathe out stinky fumes after smoking a cigar, eating a lot of garlic, or enjoying that morning cup of coffee, this kind of bad breath resolves easily with a quick brushing, mouthwash, or even breath mints or gum. Constant bad breath, however, indicates VOCs which are more deeply embedded in the oral cavity. Your halitosis may require a trip to see Dr. William Strutz in his Shawnee office.

Dr. Strutz often sees patients whose bad breath persists because of:

  • Tooth decay
  • Gum disease, and its accumulated plaque and tartar
  • Poor brushing and flossing habits
  • Neglected in-office oral hygiene (professional tooth scaling)

In addition, some people have thick coatings on their tongues and other soft tissues because they harbor certain "Red Complex" bacteria which give rise to periodontal issues, says Dentistry Today.

What you can do about bad breath

First off, don't waste your time on a myriad of over the counter treatments. Simple interventions work well for simple bad breath. These common-sense strategies include:

  • Brushing your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste (also gently brush your tongue, gums, palate, and the inside of your cheeks)
  • Flossing once a day to remove food residues and avoid the accumulation of damaging plaque
  • Drink water throughout the day to hydrate and avoid dry mouth (another cause of bad breath)
  • Getting your routine exams and hygienic cleanings with your family dentist every six months
  • Using a tongue scraper along with your toothbrush to remove bacteria-laden films from your tongue

Also, see Dr. Strutz if your family dentist detects advanced gum disease or other oral infections. He will do a complete exam and recommend gum disease treatments such as deep cleaning and root planing or gum disease surgery as needed. Use of a medicated mouthwash (with chlorhexidine) may be useful as well, explained Dentistry Today.

Have the fresh breath you deserve

At the office of your periodontist, Dr. William Strutz, in Shawnee, KS, you can find relief from persistent bad breath.

To learn more, book a complimentary consultation with this experienced dentist call the office at (913) 268-0808.

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