Preventive Care and Periodontal Health

Do you know how to prevent gum disease from happening to you? 

Keeping your gums healthy doesn’t have to be difficult. The sooner you start adding healthy dental habits into your routine the better. While brushing and flossing are two of the best ways to keep your gums in tip-top shape, you may be surprised to discover that you’re performing these habits all wrong. From the office of our Shawnee, KS, periodontist Dr. William Strutz, here’s how to protect your gums from periodontal disease.

Brush Twice a Day

How often do you brush right now? Do you sometimes rush to work and forget to brush your teeth or fall asleep before you had a chance to brush? While skipping out on brushing every once in a while might not seem like a big deal, it can greatly increase your chances for gum disease. Here are some tips to make sure that you are brushing for healthy teeth and gums,

  • Brush your teeth for at least two minutes each time you brush
  • Use short, circular motions to clean the front of your teeth
  • Make sure to brush the back of your teeth, as well as the roof of your mouth and tongue
  • Replace your toothbrush once bristles look worn (usually every 3-4 months) or immediately after being sick
  • Be gentle on your teeth when brushing, you don’t need to have a heavy hand in order to get your teeth and gums clean

Floss Every Day

One aspect of oral care in which many people fall flat is flossing, but it’s important that you floss every day if you want to keep your gums and between teeth clean. After all, brushing without flossing is like only cleaning one side of a dirty plate. Aim to floss your teeth at night right before you brush so that you don’t go to bed with any gunk on your teeth or gums.

Use a Therapeutic Rinse

While there are definitely a variety of mouthwashes to choose from, many of them simply mask bad breath. Talk to your Shawnee, KS, periodontist about therapeutic mouthwashes that can help slow tartar buildup and reduce plaque formation all while removing trapped food from between teeth.

Using a special therapeutic mouthwash throughout the day, along with proper brushing and flossing techniques, can reduce your chances of developing gum disease.   

Protecting your smile from decay and gum disease is surprisingly easy and our Shawnee, KS, periodontist can help. If you are concerned about inflamed, tender or bleeding gums, give us a call today at (913) 268-0808 for an evaluation.

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