What Causes Bad Breath?

Everyone deals with bad breath on occasion, usually due to consuming strong foods or beverages. Also called halitosis, bad breath caused by eating something strong is often just temporary. Brushing or using mouth rinse can quickly freshen the breath. However, chronic bad breath could be due to other causes. Dr. William Strutz, the skilled periodontist at our office in Shawnee, KS, treats bad breath by addressing the root cause of the problem.

Causes of Bad Breath

Bacteria is one of the primary causes of bad breath. One function of saliva is to wash away oral bacteria, which helps reduce breath odors. When there is not enough saliva, bacteria have a chance to linger, particularly on the back of the tongue. Consequently, individuals with a chronically dry mouth, a condition called xerostomia, sometimes struggle with persistent bad breath.

Some causes of bad breath include:

  • Poor Oral Hygiene
  • Certain foods and beverages
  • Some types of medications
  • Chronic dry mouth (Xerostomia)
  • Sinus or bronchial infections
  • Oral yeast infection
  • Hormonal changes
  • Tobacco use

Bad breath can also be a side effect of certain medical conditions, such as kidney failure or a liver malfunction. Diabetes can also increase the risk of halitosis or bad breath. Diabetes is a condition associated with high blood sugar levels, which also increases glucose levels in saliva. Increased glucose acts as food for bacteria, enabling the bacteria to grow. The presence of more bacteria leads to an increased likelihood of developing bad breath.

How a Periodontist Can Help

A periodontist can help treat chronic bad breath by treating other oral health issues that could be contributing to the problem. For example, tooth decay and gum disease can both lead to halitosis. Treating these problems and restoring oral health can help reduce eliminate chronic bad breath.

Another way the experienced periodontist at our office in Shawnee, KS, can help reduce bad breath is by providing instruction on specific oral hygiene techniques. Brushing and flossing properly will provide a deeper clean and clear away more bacteria. The periodontist can also explain how to use a tongue scraper to remove bacteria from the back of the tongue where it tends to linger.

Finally, scheduling professional dental cleanings regularly can also help keep bad breath at bay. Dental professionals have the skills, training, and tools to clean hard-to-reach places in the mouth and achieve a more thorough and deep cleaning. Additionally, professional cleaning is the only way to remove tartar buildup, which harbors bacteria and can contribute to bad breath.

Bad breath can be caused by many factors. Our knowledgeable periodontist can help identify the cause and recommend the best way to treat it. For help treating bad breath in Shawnee, KS, schedule an appointment with Dr. Strutz by calling the office at (913) 268-0808.

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