
3540 Seven Bridges Dr

Ste 290

IL 60517-1289

(630) 852-8522

When To See Your Foot Doctor In 2021

Your feet do so much for you. Make your foot health a priority in 2021

Have you resolved to take better care of your feet in 2021? Your feet do a lot for you each and every day, so isn’t it time that you provided them with the care they deserve? Maintaining better foot health doesn’t have to be difficult. Of course, if you do face issues along the way, our Woodridge, IL, podiatrist Dr. Leonard Vekkos can provide you with a fast diagnosis and treatment plan to help you feel better quickly. Here are some reasons to turn to a foot doctor at the Foot & Ankle Wellness Center this year.

You are dealing with foot pain 

Many people brush off their pain, even foot pain, just assuming the problem will go away on its own. While this may be true for minor strains or overuse, often times pain is your foot’s way of telling you that something is wrong. Everything from arthritis to a fractured foot can cause pain, so it’s important that you turn to our Woodridge, IL, podiatrist to find out what’s going on and how to best treat the root cause.

You’re interested in orthotics 

Most people do not have perfect biomechanics, which means that most feet can benefit from the added support of custom shoe inserts. While you can find these devices at your local drugstore, the one-size-fits-most approach to cushioning and support often falls flat and can even cause more problems for your feet.

It’s important to turn to a qualified foot doctor who can craft your very own set of orthotics to meet your needs and foot problems. Orthotics can also prevent aches and pains caused by physical activities or standing the majority of the day.

You have diabetes 

Diabetes can have a serious and negative impact on the health of your feet. This is why it’s so important to keep your diabetes in check with medication and a healthy lifestyle. You should also monitor your blood sugar levels to make sure they are in a normal range. By doing this you greatly reduce your risk for foot-related complications such as nerve damage.

Of course, having a podiatrist that you can turn to when foot problems do occur is incredibly important. We can trim your toenails, treat ingrown toenails and provide your feet with care tailored to your diabetic needs.

You are an athlete 

Athletes are prone to injuries, particularly injuries to the feet and ankles. Dr. Vekkos and his team can provide athletes of all ages with preventive care measures they can take to protect against injuries. This includes everything from custom orthotics to recommending certain conditioning and strengthening exercises that athletes can do every day from the comfort of their home.

If you are dealing with athlete’s foot, bunion pain, or other problems, know that our Woodridge, IL, podiatrist, Dr. Vekkos is here to help. Call Foot & Ankle Wellness Center at (630) 852-8522 to schedule an appointment or to learn more about the services we offer.

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm

Admin Only


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



