
3540 Seven Bridges Dr

Ste 290

IL 60517-1289

(630) 852-8522

What to Do About Flat Feet

Your Woodridge, IL podiatrist Dr. Leonard Vekkos can help treat your flat feet. At Foot and Ankle Wellness Center we help patients with flat feet and other conditions stay healthy and on their feet!

What are flat feet?

If you have flat feet, it means the arches of your feet are collapsed and the whole sole of your foot touches the ground. This can be problematic because if you don't have enough support in the arch it can cause pain on the side of the foot and in the ankle.

Flat feet are normal in babies and toddlers because before you start walking, the tendon that tightens to form an arch isn't fully developed. Oftentimes flat feet correct themselves when the child fully develops, but flat feet can also continue into adulthood. A flat foot can also occur when the tendon that connects your calf muscle to the inside of your ankle becomes swollen or injured.

Flat feet are fairly common and many people with flat feet don't experience pain or any other foot problems, but it's normal for flat feet to cause discomfort in others.

Treating flat feet

Mild cases of flat feet are very common and can usually be helped with conservative at-home measures. Your Woodridge, IL podiatrist will recommend wearing comfortable and supportive footwear as often as possible. Your doctor can recommend stretching and strengthening exercises to do on a daily basis that can relieve pain and strengthen the foot. Orthotic devices and inserts worn in your shoes can help relieve pain while you walk.

Resting and icing the feet can help reduce pain and swelling. In more severe cases where swelling is causing a lot of pain and discomfort, corticosteroid injections may be an option for treatment. Surgery is usually only considered as a last resort if you haven't responded to other treatments.

There are some conditions that can make flat feet worse, like obesity and diabetes. Treating any underlying cause is best for the health of your feet.

Dr. Vekkos of Foot and Ankle Wellness Center is here to help if you have flat feet. Contact us for an appointment in Woodridge, IL, at (630) 852-8522.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm

Admin Only


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



