
3540 Seven Bridges Dr

Ste 290

IL 60517-1289

(630) 852-8522

Treating Your Bunions

Bunions are more than an aesthetic problem for many, they can also be painful and can make it difficult for you to walk and wear the shoes you want. They are a problem that can't be reversed with over-the-counter products, but if you are looking to prevent complications or to have your bunions finally treated you can consult with the Foot & Ankle Wellness Center with Dr. Leonard Vekkos in Woodridge, IL.

What Are Bunions

Bunions are formed by the big toe bending inward toward the other toes, so the big bump that's commonly associated with the condition is actually bone. It is often painless but any foot abnormality can cause pain and discomfort, but it can be worse with bunions as the affected joint is made to carry a lot of the body's weight, often worsening the condition in a painful way.

What Causes Them

It's common to blame footwear for this condition but your choice of shoes, although they play a role, may not be fully to blame. Genetics can affect how the arch of your foot distributes the weight placed upon them, but if you have very low arches, also called flat feet, this could contribute to the condition. Wearing shoes that are too small or high-heeled can further aggravate your bunions. If you work in a job that involves a lot of standing and walking this can also play a role.

Treatment for Bunions in Woodridge, IL

Treatment can be noninvasive and focused only on preventing your bunions from becoming a bigger problem and from growing in size. This can often be done with custom orthotics prescribed by your doctor, pads to keep the skin from rubbing against the edge of the shoe. But if the bunion is very painful and other treatments have been unsuccessful then your doctor can recommend surgery to remove it.

If you are looking to finally do something about your bunions you can schedule a visit in Woodridge, IL, with Dr. Vekkos of Foot & Ankle Wellness Center by dialing (630) 852-8522.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm

Admin Only


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



