
3540 Seven Bridges Dr

Ste 290

IL 60517-1289

(630) 852-8522

Why Are Orthotics Important?

When you think of orthotics perhaps what comes to mind are off-the-shelf shoe inserts, and while these can be useful for certain cases, if you find yourself relying on these you should consider custom orthotics from your Woodridge, IL, podiatrist. These are made specifically just for you, for your individual needs, and can be beneficial in treating a number of foot conditions. Learn more about the benefits of orthotics by reaching out to Dr. Leonard Vekkos of Foot & Ankle Wellness Center.


If you have suffered an injury or fracture to your foot or ankle your doctor may prescribe orthotics to give you the support you need while you heal.


Arthritis is a degenerative condition that can affect the joints of your feet making them stiff and painful, they can also affect the positioning of these, something that can be corrected with orthotics.

Heel Pain

Barring an injury, heel pain is often caused by a condition called plantar fasciitis which can be brought on by too much stress on your feet. It can be brought on by structural problems with the arches of your feet and exacerbated by working long hours standing and walking. Orthotics can bring support to your heel and relieve discomfort.


Those who suffer from diabetes need to be wary of foot injuries that could result in ulcers as these are more difficult to detect and slower to heal for those struggling with the condition. Orthotics can help reduce the pressure on the feet, as it's what can cause these injuries.

Orthotics in Woodridge, IL

Listed above are only some of the ways in which your podiatrist can employ orthotics to treat foot-related problems and conditions. But perhaps one of the most important ways in which they are beneficial is that, if used early, they can help prevent the need for more invasive treatments, such as with surgery.

If you are looking for orthotics treatment in Woodridge, IL, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Vekkos of Foot & Ankle Wellness Center by dialing (630) 852-8522.

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Hours of Operation

Our Regular Schedule


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-3:00 pm

Admin Only


9:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



