
3540 Seven Bridges Dr

Ste 290

IL 60517-1289

(630) 852-8522

Common Causes of Heel Pain

How your podiatrist in Woodridge, IL, can help you get relief from heel pain

Heel pain is uncomfortable. In fact, the pain can be so severe it can keep you from walking around, staying active, and enjoying your life. Fortunately, your podiatrist is an expert at treating heel pain. Dr. Leonard Vekkos at Foot & Ankle Wellness Center in Woodridge, IL, provides comprehensive podiatry services, including treatment of heel pain.

There are some common causes of heel pain which you need to know about:

A heel bruise, which is caused from stepping on sharp or hard objects. You can help prevent a heel bruise if you always wear protective, supportive shoes, appropriate for the activity you are doing. Avoid going barefoot because you can injure your feet.

A heel spur, which is caused by excess calcium deposits on your heel. Your podiatrist can help with heel spurs using Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment, also known as ESWT. This treatment breaks up calcium deposits to relieve heel pain.

Plantar fasciitis, which is caused by inflammation of the plantar fascia, the thick band of tissue running across your heel. Runners, joggers, and high impact sports enthusiasts can all suffer from plantar fasciitis. You can also develop plantar fasciitis if you overpronate or roll your feet when you walk. If you walk or stand on hard surfaces for long periods, you are also at risk of plantar fasciitis.

For mild heel pain, you can get some relief if you:

  • Place an ice pack on your heel for 15 minutes several times daily
  • Elevate and rest your heel several times daily
  • Stretch your arches several times daily
  • Take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory and pain medication

Stubborn, moderate to severe heel pain should be treated by a podiatrist. Professional treatments your podiatrist may recommend include:

  • Custom-made orthotics and footwear to provide heel support
  • Physical therapy and stretches to promote flexibility
  • Prescription-strength anti-inflammatory medication to reduce swelling and pain
  • Corticosteroid injections around your heel to reduce swelling and pain
  • Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT)
  • Class 4 Laser developed to assist the body to heal and improve circulation
  • Stem Cell Therapy

To find out more about the causes and treatment of heel pain, call Dr. Leonard Vekkos at Foot & Ankle Wellness Center in Woodridge, IL. You can reach him in the office by calling (630) 852-8522, so call now.

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