Night Guards

Why you may need a nightguard

Many people are afflicted with bruxism, or teeth grinding. Some people may do this consciously during the day, but it is a larger problem at night while you are asleep. Grinding your teeth can damage enamel, wear down teeth, cause jaw pain, or irritate your gums. The noise from teeth grinding can also disturb your spouse's sleep if loud enough. 

If you grind your teeth you should consider a night guard. The night guard, which is very similar to a mouth guard worn by athletes, provides a barrier between your top and bottom teeth while you sleep. All night guards are custom fitted for comfort and to allow for proper breathing. Your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and have the night guard created by a dental lab. Night guards are very durable and can be used for up to 10 years. 

There are also some things that you can do to try to stop teeth grinding. You can train your jaw to be free and easy rather than clenched. Refrain from chewing gum or on other objects like pens. You should also avoid alcoholic drinks and drinks with caffeine, as these can increase the likelihood you will grind your teeth. If you suspect you might be grinding your teeth at night set up an appointment with us today.

Traditional Nightguard

NTI System

Traditional Nightguard

The basic principle behind the NTI-tss

“NTI” refers to the nocturnal inhibition of the harmful sensory input to the Trigeminal Nerve. The NTI device is a dental mouthpiece that we provide to our patients. The NTI fits securely on either the patient's upper or lower front teeth while asleep. The patient's unique bite dictates the design of the NTI device.

The NTI device inhibits the canine and molar teeth from touching anything during sleep. This reduces the pathological intensity of jaw clenching and teeth grinding and prevents any resultant TMD or headaches.

Difference between traditional night guards and NTI-tss

The traditional treatment for bruxism has been a night guard - a plastic appliance worn in the mouth similar to an athletic mouth protector. The night guard covers the teeth of one arch, which allows the patient to bite on plastic so there is no tooth-to-tooth contact while biting.

It is key that the molars and canines do not touch anything in order to sufficiently reduce jaw clenching. Both night guards will protect the teeth from wear but the NTI-tss will also prevent TMD and headache pain by preventing canine and molar contact.

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